How to Rock High Heels With Confidence and Style

Get the most out of your Wildfire high heels by rocking them with confidence and style. Having the best option at your feet is not enough; you should also know how to walk correctly. Since that may be one reason some ladies feel intimidated by wearing high heels, we are here to help.

Like all other things, everyone experiences a shaky start until they eventually become a pro. Not all athletes got it on their first try, but they turned things around with persistent training and practice. The same thing goes for wearing high heels. A wobbly and shaky start doesn't mean it will be like that forever. You'll be surprised at what thirty minutes of daily practice can do. Your perseverance will pay off. You'll develop muscle memory and walk in high heels like a professional runway model.

Master these tips and tricks to walk in high heels. We guarantee you'll be rocking a pair in no time. Let's start!


Tip 1—Start Small


While we all aspire and dream big, we suggest starting by walking around the house on your toes. Put your gorgeous high heels where you can see them, which will inspire you to walk better. Keep walking on your toes to strengthen your calves and balance. 

Once you're confident, wear your Wildfire high heels. If this is your first time wearing a pair, expect it to be shaky—like a toddler learning to walk. Hold on to the railings. You will slowly feel steadier after some time. Let go of the railing and use your high heels on as many floor types as possible, including carpet, wood, linoleum, and stairs. You may feel some strain on your leg muscles and lower back because they may exert effort they haven't done before. 


Tip 2—Work With Different Heel Types


High heels come in various bases—some thick while others are narrow. Although both are stunning, thicker bases or block-heeled shoes are more effortless to walk in. The broad bases distribute weight evenly, reducing the pressure on your feet, legs, and lower back. These high heels do not make you feel like you're about to topple forward, which is excellent if you want to portray a confident walker. 

If you dream of wearing Wildfire stilettos someday, you can still do that. However, you should first master high heels with thicker bases before going to expert-level mode. Thin and narrow bases put all the pressure on the balls of your feet, which might put you off, especially if you're only starting. Wildfire footcare accessories like heel stoppers, gel cushions, and heel grips make wearing stiletto high heels more bearable. You can invest in some for future use.


Tip 3—Heel Before Toe


Please avoid stomping your foot all at once while walking in high heels. Not only can it put too much force on your shoes and break them, but it may also cause you to lose your balance. To rock high heels confidently, chant heel-toe repeatedly on your head as you place one foot in front of the other. Let your foot glide through the motion smoothly. Walk this way even when on the staircase. Though it can be challenging with high heels, always remember to get a foothold before lifting the other foot to take a step.


Tip 4—Take Short, Slower Steps


High heels will change how you walk—the taller they get, the shorter your stride becomes. Do not fight it. Take it slow with shorter steps, remembering the heel-to-toe manner with every step. Besides, we do not want to see a beautiful and poised lady walking like she's in the middle of a marathon. Take your time, enjoy the process, and smile at everyone watching.


Tip 5—It's Like Riding a Bike


Walking confidently in high heels uses the same principles as riding a bicycle—balance. When you walk, visualise a straight line to your destination, then take that first step. Never look down; only look at the end goal, like riding a bike. If you've seen models walk in high heels, you will notice they always look ahead, not letting anything distract them. Maintain your head and chin up, imagining you are balancing an invisible book on your head.

Moreover, remember to lean back a little when walking in high heels. Since the shoes do not allow you to move fast or with your usual strides, your body tends to compensate by hunching your neck forward. Counter this by leaning back slightly and maintaining good posture.


Tip 6—Increase Practice Duration


Remember how you started with thirty minutes and didn't think you could get through that? Over time, you get used to having high heels on your feet and wearing them longer becomes more manageable. Increasing your practice times is essential for special events and occasions typically lasting more than two to three hours. Purchase your Wildfire high heels about two weeks to a month before your event and start practising, increasing your time intervals as you get closer to the day. Wear them while doing your house chores and all other activities.


Tip 7—Ensure the Right Fit


Never force your feet into high heels that are too small or too big for them—they won't work. Finding the right fit means knowing your brand size and shopping in the afternoon when your feet are at their maximum size. The extensive collection of Wildfire high heels is available in sizes 5 to 12, broad enough for women to find the option they love in the correct size.

While wearing your high heels around the house, we suggest you break them in simultaneously. Some styles have a tighter fit, so wear thick socks while practising at home. Eventually, the shoes will loosen and mould into your feet for a perfect fit!


Put These Tips to Good Use!

It's time to put theory into practice. Head to the nearest retailer or shop online, purchase your Wildfire high heels, and do these tips to take your style to new heights! From block heels to stilettos, our collection has something for every occasion and outfit. Take advantage of the brand's flexible payment systems, which allow you to buy now and pay later. Plus, enjoy 10% off on your first purchase!